112 come see me lyrics
112 come see me lyrics

112 come see me lyrics

He asked me to hand him my keys and my wallet, and he'd give them back to me after I talked and he listened. Again, I'd never met this guy in my life, and hadn't mentioned a word to him about my 'plan'. He said that he sensed I was in pain, but that I had an incredible life ahead of me, and that this was not the way my story was supposed to end. I thought, who is this random f**ker? But I listened. He told me that whatever I was doing next was a terrible idea and I would regret it. The second I sat on the patio with my drink, a gentleman asked if he could sit with me. So I drove into a nearby pub to have a beer and wait out the traffic. On the day I was to fly out to fulfill my 'plan', there was a terrible accident on the freeway to the airport.


So I'd planned my s*icide - bought a one-way plane ticket, got sleeping pills, and wrote a series of s*icide notes. I was past being depressed - I just couldn't imagine waking up another day. Several people close to me had passed away unexpectedly, I was being bullied every day at my job, my life was falling apart. The entire house slept with the lights on for a month after that.Ī few years ago, I was at my lowest point in life. She then experienced a blackout as well, and was woken up by my girlfriend checking in on her. Apparently, when I opened the door, it did wake her up - but she saw a black figure standing at the foot of her bed, slowly moving towards her. She then says that her mom wasn’t screaming at me. I say, 'yes,' and she goes wide-eyed, because she saw it and thought it was just a dream too. She asked me if I saw the room glowing red earlier, as well as a figure in the ceiling. About 20 minutes later, my girlfriend returned to the room completely silent.

112 come see me lyrics

I thought it was rage that I'd woken her up, so I immediately closed the door, went back to my girlfriend's room, and told her that her mom was screaming. As I push it open, her mom starts screaming at the top of her lungs. So, I’m standing at the garage door, trying to open it as quietly as possible. Previously, her mom had gotten annoyed with us staying up late and going through the garage door to use the washroom, because each time we would open it, the door would loudly click and wake her up. So, I walked through the garage and tried to quietly open the garage door to get into the main house. At that point, I had to go to the washroom. My girlfriend was fast asleep, so I thought it was just some weird dream. The next thing I knew, everything went black and I woke up a few hours later. Instinctively, I grab my pillow and whip it at the figure. I start screaming which wakes my girlfriend up and she looks up at the ceiling and starts to scream as well. It moved in such an inhuman way, like it was breaking every one of its bones to move. I look up at the ceiling and I see this black figure crawling through the ceiling. One night, I wake up at around one in the morning and the room is just glowing red. So you had to walk through their garage to get to her room. My girlfriend's room was built as an extension/add-on to their garage. I was staying with my girlfriend and her mom. Thank you stranger lady with invisible powers, we never forgot your kindness! I never saw the lady again but she saved us and we did make it up to Tacoma to start our new life. There was a guy selling oranges on the side of the road and we bought a bag and went to a local park that had a part of the river with a little spillway dam and went swimming and ate oranges for a couple of hours before getting back on the road. When mom came back I told her what happened and she cried. Nowhere in the parking lot, just vanished. Tell her to pay it forward some day to someone who needs it.” I looked down into my hand and there was a $100 bill. She said “It seems like you’re down on your luck. A lady that looked like a brown haired Brady mom sat in the seat and faced me. I was riddled with anxiety about our situation and looking down. I sat in the car while mom took my younger sisters to the restroom at a gas station. We were about out of money, almost out of gas, no food, stuck in Chico California. We were traveling from TX up to Tacoma, WA.

112 come see me lyrics